Cruise with Confidence in Jacksonville Beach, Keep those Golf Cart tires full for a Smooth & Safe Ride.

Golf cart tires, operate like tires of road vehicles, such as cars and trucks. Tires provide the traction and support needed to drive safely. Golf Cart tires lifespan can range from 4-7 years depending on use and proper maintenance. Before your next golf cart cruise, take the time to check your tire pressure, it’s important!

Not enough air in your golf cart tire.

If you continue to drive on tires that have low pressure, they will wear down prematurely.

Meaning you may find your self stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and/or increase your cost to maintain your golf cart by having to purchase replacement tires.


Too much air in your golf cart tires.

Overinflated tires, will lose traction to the road which can lead to safety concerns, pre-mature wear of the tires and reduce the lifespan.


How to get the most life out of your golf cart tires. 

Check your golf cart’s tire pressure and perform visual inspection monthly. It may be a good idea to check them more often if the cart is used in high frequency, rough terrain, and extreme weather conditions.  During visual inspection, look out for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, bulges, or uneven tread. While driving, check if for proper alignment, poor alignment can cause the tires to wear down unevenly.

Always check with the manufacturer for the ideal tire pressure. Usually, it’s around 20-22 PSI but it can vary depending on tire size and how you would like the cart to ride. Lower tire pressure can create a smoother ride by allowing the tires to absorb more road imperfections and bumps.

Dynamic Drives& Design, offers annual service packages.

We offer a comprehensive service package that includes checking tire pressure, rotating tires, and ensuring proper alignment.  Call us to learn more and schedule your service visit. We are located in Jacksonville beach, Fl.

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